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Think. Plan. Innovate. Integrate.

In Systems Integration, the terms Validation and Verification serve different purposes.

In the context of systems integration practices, 'Verification' means the process of providing undisputed evidence that the system meets the requirements. Thus, 'performing the system verification' means proving that we are 'building the system right'. Not to be confused with Validation, which focuses on developing a better understanding of the customer requirements to ensure that we are 'building the right system'.

Verification is a continuous process spanning the entire development and certification programme for a system. Throughout the development phase, several activities are being performed to ensure that the design will or does meet the requirements. If the activity uses the same product configuration as the production article, then evidence generated by the activity can be used for the purpose of verification.  

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Engineering landscape is evolving rapidly.

With increasing complexity of user requirements, stretched performance expectations and emergence of complex tools and technologies - product and system development landscape is rapidly changing. For those engineering companies which are still using the traditional design methods and linear workflows for product development and delivery, does it mean that they are walking on a slow path of irrecoverable obsolence?

At AVION, we think they are. The solution here is to think big and embrace the innovation, We believe that innovation is not optional, it is a 'must have’ part of our day to day work life, and at AVION, it's the foundation of our beliefs.

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